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senior training

Our syllabus initially concentrates on form (Taolu), fitness and self-defence.  Seniors initially study Wha Duc Lung, White Crane and Northern Shaolin including Sanshou and Self Protection.  Later students have the opportunity to study Taiji, Qigong and Qinna as well as weapons.


Our exercises develop internal as well as external strength and are suitable for everyone.  There are 12 grades to black.  Gung Fu is about hard work and a positive attitude, if you are thinking about doing martial art training you will be required to put effort in, the more effort you put in the greater the benefits you will achieve.


We can offer professional development through courses such as coaching.  We also offer seminars in weapons, application of form, push hands and Taiji.

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junior training

The junior syllabus consists of strength building exercises, protective thinking and effective self defence, anti-bullying, wushu, White Crane exercises and Northern Shaolin Forms.


There are 12 grades to black.  Students who work hard are offered additional courses in Weapons, Lion Dance, Sparring and from the age of 15 Sanshou.


Our junior syllabus has a module within the National Childrens University.  Our students are given the tools to develop self confidence.  We encourage students to use their skills wisely and only if absolutely necessary.

Little Dragons

This programme is designed for 5 to 8 year olds.  It assists the child in the following ways:


Building self confidence, learning balance, co-ordination, discipline and self-discipline, staying safe and avoiding negative situations.


It is important to remember that young children whilst learning very quickly also forget very quickly.  If a child is only attending one lesson per week their progress will be slow.  Ideally to benefit they should attend 2 sessions per week.  Parents are encouraged to take part to guide their child through the learning process.

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